
5 min read

An article to try my best and express who Tommie was and the happiness and love he brought my wife and myself.

The goodest boy in the whole wide world: TommieThe goodest boy in the whole wide world: Tommie

Herro my name is Tommie. I was my mommy and daddy’s goodest boy. My mommy rescued me when I was a puppy from a puppy mill in Bogotá. My mommy loved me very much and I loved her too. She would take me everywhere with her when I was a puppy. I fit in her bag back then. She would even let me cook with her! Mommy and I had to be apart a lot because mommy’s life was not what she wanted it to be. I didn’t like being away from mommy, but it normally meant I got to be with abuelita and the meant all the yummy things. It was my abuelita who showed me the greatest thing in the whole wide world:

Pan 🥐🥖🍞

I loved pan. Pan in the morning. Pan in the afternoon. Pan in the evening. I would take pan over snackies or anything else for that matter. Pan was my drug of choice.

I had many different dads during my life, but my last daddy was the best. Mommy brought him to Colombia just for me! He smelled funny and made the sounds that mommy made when she worked. He was not good at making the sounds I knew well. Where as mommy and I were bilingual daddy was not. He loved to play with me and take me on long walkies. He would even take the leash of me and let me do whatever I want…well almost. There was that one time I made dad very mad and he picked me up by my harness with one hand. This daddy was very strong!

Just as cute when he was napping.Just as cute when he was napping.

I started having problems going poopie not long after my 8th birthday. Daddy and mommy took me to the vet. I never liked the vet it didn’t matter how many times mommy changed my vet. I just knew I didn’t feel good and it was having to really strain to go poopie. Mommy cried a lot with me that night. I tried to tell her that it was okay. She was a good mommy and I was going to be okay. Daddy was sad I could smell it, but he was trying to be strong for mommy. Daddy spent a lot of time taking me out more and more. I never made big poopies and sometime no poopies at all even when I thought I had. It didn’t matter daddy told me I made such a good poopie and was a good boy. He would pretend to pick up my poopie even though I knew I didn’t make poopie.

A week after mommy and daddy found out I was sick I had the bestest day ever. It was even better than my birthday. I got to go on a car ride. I got to have so many yummies. Daddy even grilled me a steak. There was no steak for the other humans only me and I got to have it all! I got to eat a forbidden yummy and I looked at my parents like “You been holding out on me this whole time!”. Abuelita came, my mommy’s friend Isa came, even a bunch of new humans came. I was so happy but I was also very very tired. Mommy was very very sad I could smell it on her. Mommy and daddy gave me lots of hugs and kisses and then my new friends started doing things like the vet does and I got very upset. How dare you! I am having a good day. The last thing I remember was my mommy’s face. She was such a good and pretty mommy. I loved her so much. I see her and daddy everyday, but they don’t see me. I send other doggos to say hello to them. When they are sad I ask God to make it sunny for them. I miss my mommy and daddy, but I know they miss me even more.

Always such a photogenic boy.Always such a photogenic boy.

Tommie lived a pretty bougie and amazing life as the dog-son of my wife. She always made it a point that Tommie was taken care of before her own wants and needs. I was very happy to have been a part of his life and been his favorite step dog-dad. He brought us tremendous joy and happiness with his quirky personality. He was very smart, learned to talk back, and loved pan more than you will ever understand.

We said goodbye to Tommie on 22 August 2023 in our home. He was surrounded by people who loved him and a belly full of the yummiest things we could find for his last day. My wife and I are very grateful for the veterinary service that came to our home to do the deed. I am a firm believer that God gives us dogs so we can have a glimpse of what unconditional love truly is so we understand just how much he loves us. We are just not that smart so it needs to be with a fluffy animal with a booper, floofer, huggie sticks, and toe beans.

We love you Tommie, rest well pretty boy.We love you Tommie, rest well pretty boy.
~ Cody 🚀
Cody Brunner

Cody is a Christian, USN Veteran, Jayhawk, and an American expat living outside of Bogotá, Colombia. He is currently looking for new opportunities in the tech industry.