
The collection of all the posts I have made since starting my blog in 2017.


    Certificate Issues Between Fly & Turso

    That time I ran into issues with my certificates being invalid leading to problems communicating between and my Turso database.

    Writing a HTTP Server with Go

    Writing a simple HTTP Server using only what is provided via the Go Standard Library.

    Adding Related Articles with Astro Content Collections

    Astro's content collection feature is a game changer for easily managing content in a type safe manner. It also can help to easily add related collections or data types through referencing. In this article I show how I implemented a related articles feature.

    Working with Makefiles

    In my journey into learning Go I have been learning how to use Makefiles within my Go projects. I had never worked with makefiles before and this post will touch on how to use them.

    Going to the Gopher Side

    The chaos that is the JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem has become too much to bear in my opinion. I have become unhappy with my direction in the tech industry and in late 2023 made the decision to begin teaching myself Go and pivoting my career out of the Frontend & away from JavaScript.

    From NextJS to Astro

    In 2023 I began making the move from NextJS to Astro for my personal website and blog. This is my experience with the transition.