Category: Personal

Articles in the category of personal.


An article to try my best and express who Tommie was and the happiness and love he brought my wife and myself.

The City of the Seven Color Sea

San Andrés is a little slice of paradise in the Caribbean owned by Colombia. The perfect place to celebrate all the new gray hairs that came with turning 36 years old.

Climbing the Mountain

In November of 2023 I traveled to Salento, Colombia for the adventure of a lifetime, climbing and summiting Colombia's second highest peak, Nevado del Tolima.

Breaking Up With Bitwarden

After Bitwarden's decision to terminate their VP of Software due to his answer to preferred pronouns in the workplace, I have decided to move to a different password manager.

Happy New Years

A post outlining my goals for 2022 and looking back on 2021.

Turn the page

The admission and realization that I desperately need help.

Through The Storm

Two years of hard work finally delivered my first dev job.

Into The Great Unknown

Turning a new leaf and starting fresh in Portland, Oregon.

Happy New Years!

Where I've been and where I'm going in 2018.

Hello World

My first blog post.